Blog > Nutrition Tips

Facts About CarbohydratesFacts About Carbohydrates


Facts About Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are a valuable source of energy

Carbohydrates get negative attention for causing weight gain, but they are a valuable energy source. One gram of carbohydrates contains four calories (the same amount in one gram of protein). For adults, carbohydrates should account for 45 to 65 percent of total calories.

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Easy Ways to Increase Protein IntakeEasy Ways to Increase Protein Intake


Easy Ways to Increase Protein Intake

Mashed fava beans and chicory greens

Protein is a macronutrient that provides four calories per gram. Along with carbohydrates and fats, protein is one of our primary sources of energy. The body also uses protein to perform the following functions:

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8 Tips to Eat Less8 Tips to Eat Less


Tips to Eat Less

Use smaller dishes.

Grabbing a smaller plate or bowl may seem like a small change, but it can make a big difference in how much food you serve yourself. Research shows that larger bowls can cause us to take as much as 30 percent more food! Smaller plates require less food to fill and make portions appear larger, which leads to eating fewer calories without feeling deprived.

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Types of Dietary FatTypes of Dietary Fat


4 Types of Dietary Fat

Dietary fat was once considered bad for health, but as research has evolved, we now know that all types of fat are not equal. Fat is an essential component of a healthy diet. It plays a role in brain health, helps build cell membranes, and allows the body to absorb fat-soluble vitamins. However, some fats can increase your risk for heart disease and stroke.

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Reduce Food Waste & Boost NutritionReduce Food Waste & Boost Nutrition


Reduce Food Waste & Boost Nutrition

Before you throw away those food scraps, take a second look. Are they edible? You might be surprised to learn that many stems, tops, and pulps can be used in delicious and healthy ways.

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Time Saving Tips for Packing Healthy LunchesTime Saving Tips for Packing Healthy Lunches


Packing Healthy Lunches

You know that packing a healthy lunch will help you stay on track, but chances are you struggle to find the time. Planning and preparing healthy lunches doesn't have to take hours. By getting organized and creating a routine, you can save time while always having a nutritious lunch ready to eat when you are.

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The Healthy Kitchen TestThe Healthy Kitchen Test


Woman chopping vegetables in a kitchen

A healthy diet starts in the kitchen. By having a fridge and pantry stocked with fresh ingredients and nutritious snacks, you can better control the foods you eat. A healthy kitchen also requires proper food handling and storage to keep you and your family safe. Take the following test to see if you have a healthy kitchen!

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Ways to HydrateWays to Hydrate


Ways to Hydrate

Hydration is essential for almost every bodily function. Allowing yourself to get dehydrated can zap your energy and take your motivation. Use a combination of these foods and drinks to stay hydrated.

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5 Popular Diet Terms Defined5 Popular Diet Terms Defined


Raw food diet

Raw food diet

A raw food diet is based on the belief that heating food damages valuable nutrients. As a result, the eating plan includes consuming foods that have not been heated above 118 degrees Fahrenheit. The diet is primarily composed of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Some dehydrated or dried foods also meet the raw food criteria, depending on the dehydration process.

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