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Benefits of Reaching Your Healthy WeightBenefits of Reaching Your Healthy Weight


Benefits of Reaching Your Healthy Weight

Reaching a healthy weight is about more than the number on the scale; it can improve your health and change your outlook on life.

Improved heart health

When you are at a healthy weight, your heart is less stressed. Losing just 5 to 10 percent of your body weight can lower your blood pressure. Healthy eating and regular exercise can also improve your blood cholesterol. All of these factors work together to reduce your risk for heart disease.

Improved blood glucose

Weight loss and regular exercise can improve insulin resistance and control blood glucose, reducing your risk for type 2 diabetes.

Improved mobility

When you carry extra weight, climbing stairs and walking long distances can leave you breathless. The extra stress on your joints can also cause knee and back pain. When you are at a healthy weight, moving becomes easier. Not only do you feel lighter and more energetic, but you may also experience less pain, making physical activity much more enjoyable.

Better sense of control

Getting fit is hard work. You have to be committed and learn how to navigate the ups and downs along the way. Taking on this challenge and successfully accomplishing your goals improves your sense of control, and you may feel empowered to tackle other challenges in your life.

Improved self-confidence

Tackling your health is a powerful reminder of your ability to do hard things, which can build your self-confidence and inspire others.


Lori Rice, M.S., is a nutritional scientist and author with a passion for healthy cooking, exercise physiology, and food photography.
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