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How to Plan for a Better WorkoutHow to Plan for a Better Workout


How to Plan for a Better Workout

Your workout is influenced by more than your time in the gym. When you put in the effort to plan and prepare, you will feel more energized and motivated to challenge yourself and improve your fitness.

Make it more convenient.

While you may need to adjust your schedule and make a few sacrifices to fit in exercise, your commitment to it won’t last long if it feels too inconvenient. If you work out at a gym, ensure it is easy to get to. Driving an hour because you want to try the latest exercise trend may be exciting, but you’ll be more likely to go if you choose the gym on your drive home from work. You also don’t have to commute to exercise. There are plenty of effective workouts with and without equipment that you can do at home.

Find a good fit.

Group exercise instructors, personal trainers, and coaches have different training styles and personalities. Gym atmospheres can even have unique vibes and energy levels. Not every person or place is going to be the perfect fit for you. Do some research and take advantage of trial periods until you find the right fit. Making exercise a habit is hard enough without forcing yourself to do it in a place that doesn’t get you excited for your workouts.

Wear the right gear.

You don’t need to invest in expensive gear to exercise, but a few essentials will make your workouts much more enjoyable and keep you safe. An athletic shoe will make joints more comfortable. Cross-trainers work for most activities, but if most exercise will be spent doing a specific activity, like running, choose a shoe designed for it. Inexpensive shirts and shorts made with moisture-wicking material can make a world of difference in your workout. This clothing is designed to keep you cool and dry, unlike cotton, which can get wet and heavy and cause you to overheat.

Eat well.

You can’t sustain a challenging workout without giving your body the fuel to perform at its best. Eating a balanced diet with carbohydrates for energy and protein for recovery is only part of the equation. The timing of your meals and snacks is equally important. Experimenting with healthy foods at different times before or after your workouts may be necessary to determine a plan that keeps your energy up without upsetting your stomach.

Take a rest day.

Rest days are essential to an exercise program. They help you recover both mentally and physically so that you can safely keep up your exercise routine. Plan to take at least one rest day a week.

Make sleep a priority.

Exercise is the last thing you want to do when you feel sluggish and sleepy. Fatigue can cause you to decrease your intensity or skip the gym altogether. Getting the rest you need will ensure that your energy levels are high when you are ready to work out. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, most adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night to perform their best.

Lori Rice, M.S., is a nutritional scientist and author with a passion for healthy cooking, exercise physiology, and food photography.
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